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Professorial Chair for Social Economics contributes chapters to “Waking the Asian Pacific Co-operative Potential;” new book out June 1, 2020

By |June 2nd, 2020|CRC Publications, News, Partnership Events, Professorial Chairs, Research Findings, Social Economics, Trends, University News|

ORTIGAS, Pasig --  The world increasingly looks towards the co-operative movement in its search for innovative new approaches to life and business. So Elsevier Publishing's June 1, 2020 release of its new book - "Waking the Asian Pacific Co-operative Potential" - marks an exciting moment for the co-operative movement in the Asia Pacific Region. No ... continue reading

4 Reasons to look forward to a “V-shaped recovery”

By |May 13th, 2020|Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Expertise, Finance, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, News, Research Findings, Social Economics, Transportation and Logistics, Trends|

CRC Director for Research and UA&P Professorial Chair holder for Social Entrepreneurship Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas shares his thoughts on the Philippine economy at PLDT Enterprise ONE News’ TechTalk on Air's April 23 Webinar Session. Pasig City -- Nearly two months into the Enhanced community quarantine throughout Luzon, and with so much of Philippine business ... continue reading

CRC and UA&P DPO host February 24 Colloquium on Data Privacy

By |March 18th, 2020|Colloquia, CRC Communications, CRC Events, Digital Sector, Expertise, News, Partnership Events, Research Findings, Trends, University News|

February was a busy month for the Center for Research and Communication (CRC), and the afternoon of February 24, 2020 was no exception as CRC collaborated the UA&P Data Privacy Office conducted a Colloquium on Data Privacy for administrators, faculty, staff, and students of UA&P at the university's PLDT Hall. An introduction of sorts to ... continue reading

FROM THE CRC BOOKSHELF: The Road Less Travelled: Project Development by LGUs for LGUs

By |February 28th, 2020|CRC Publications, Expertise, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Research Findings, Transportation and Logistics, Trends|

Another popular work in the the Center for Research and Communication’s catalog of publications, “THE ROAD LESS TRAVELLED: PROJECT DEVELOPMENT BY LGUS FOR LGUS” brings together the collective, practical experience of five of UA&P’s most eminent experts – Dr. Colin Hubo; Dionisio Papelleras, Jr.; Dr. Rolando Dy; Dr. Winston Conrad Padojinog, and Gilbert Llanto. The ... continue reading

Four Research Proposals Selected for the A.Y. 2019-2020 CRCFI Research Fund

By |October 17th, 2019|CRC Communications, CRCFI Research Fund, Research Findings, University News|

This article was originally posted at 2019-10-17 09:15:07 CRC Foundation Inc. (CRCFI) would like to congratulate the following project team members whose research proposals were chosen by the Selection Committee, for the 2019 to 2020 run of the Research Fund: "Smart Barangay/Smart City: Designing and Pilot Testing a Crowdsourced SDG 2030-based Digital Ecosystem to Catalogue ... continue reading

Hooks, horns, claws, and immune cells

By |October 13th, 2019|CRC Communications, Research Findings, University News|

This article was originally published on  2019-10-13 07:19:10 At first glance, the terms “uña de gato,” “sungay kalabaw” and “immunomodulation” might not seem like they have much in common – other than being unfamiliar terms to most people. But for Filipinos and other Asians who have medical conditions which require treatments to boost the immune ... continue reading

Dr. Ramirez awarded first place in the 2019 APEC Healthy Women, Healthy Economies Research Prize.

By |October 4th, 2019|CRC Communications, CRC Events, Professorial Chairs, Research Findings, University News|

This article was originally posted at 2019-10-04 17:01:16 La Serena, Chile. — “If we take good care of our women today,” says University of Asia and the Pacific Associate Professor Dr. Veronica Ramirez at the APEC Women and the Economy Forum in La Serena, Chile, “we strengthen the generations that will come after us.” It ... continue reading

Ramirez research is Runner-Up for the 2019 APEC healthy women, healthy economies (HWHE) research prize

By |September 17th, 2019|CRC Communications, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, News, Professorial Chairs, Research Findings, University News|

[Update: Dr. Veronica Ramirez has been announced as the first prize winner of the 2019 APEC Healthy Women, Healthy Economies (HWHE) Research Prize. Detailed story to follow.] PASIG, Philippines – As the economics of the 21st century makes it ever clearer how essential it is for women to join and thrive in the contemporary workforce, ... continue reading

Intentionality – the Key to Producing “T-Shaped Thinkers”

By |September 2nd, 2019|CRC Communications, CRC Events, Digital Sector, Research Findings, Trends, University News|

This article was originally published on 2019-09-02 15:40:11 As buzzwords in the world of education and human resources go, the phrase 'T-shaped skills' is still relatively new.  It was first used, rarely, in the 1980s and 1990s, but came into common use among technology companies some time in the early-to-mid 2010s. But the principle behind ... continue reading

Myths, Komiks, and the Demand for Filipino Stories: Research Notes and Insights from UA&P Literature Instructor Ria Cayton

By |July 26th, 2019|CRC Communications, Digital Sector, News, Research Findings, Trends, University News|

This article was originally published at 2019-07-26 17:52:58 What goes on in the minds of young Filipinos as they grow up in an increasingly globalized media-saturated society? What are the experiences that shape their values? What do the films they watch and the books that they read teach them about their identity as Filipinos, and about ... continue reading