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The Importance of Institution Building

By |March 16th, 2023|CRC Insights, Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Social Economics, Transportation and Logistics|

The Founder of ICD and ISA, Dr. Jess Estanislao… outlined a very comprehensive approach to improving governance at all levels of Philippine society. He highlights the critical importance of institution building, the key to long-term sustainable and equitable development. The missing link has been the sustained institutional strengthening and transformation program on the ... continue reading

How the Philippines Can Become a First World Country, According to Renowned Economist, Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas

By |January 31st, 2023|CRC Insights, Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Social Economics, Transportation and Logistics|

“The title of this book is unapologetically ambitious. Yes, I am strongly convinced that those who are in their 20s and early 30s today (the so- called ‘millennials’ and ‘centennials’) will live to see the Philippines become a First World country.” … The decade spanning ... continue reading

Family Farm Schools Are Improving The Philippines’ Agricultural Productivity

By |January 17th, 2023|CRC Insights, Food and Agribusiness, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Social Economics|

“Something has to be done to retain as many young people as possible in the agribusiness sector which consists not only in farming but also post-harvest, supply chain and logistics (e.g. cold storage), and food processing, among others.” The whole nation must remain focused on ... continue reading

How Covid-19 Has Impacted the Remittances of OFWs and the Country’s Macroeconomy

By |January 6th, 2023|CRC Insights, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Social Economics|

“Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic, remittances remained resilient. Based on the results from the model simulated for our first objective, it showed that remittances actually cushion GDP, consumption, and national savings in hard times. Literature also showed how Filipinos send more money in times of distress to help households cope.” ... continue reading

How The OFWs’ Situations Have Changed Due to the ‘Pandemic’

By |October 27th, 2022|CRC Insights, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Social Economics|

“The host government strategies reveal the strength of leadership and stability of social service system. The more comprehensive the government social services, the better it can protect the welfare of its laborers, including foreign workers.” … The situation of foreign workers in different countries and ... continue reading

The Philippines’ Agricultural Landscape Will Continue to Flourish and Here’s Why

By |October 17th, 2022|CRC Insights, Digital Sector, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness|

“… The highest priority of the Government should be given to two areas of concern: [the second] how to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector… Top officials of the Department of Agriculture outlined the key pillars of the ongoing programs to improve agricultural productivity that they wish would be adopted by the next ... continue reading

New Challenges of OFWs Amidst the Pandemic

By |October 3rd, 2022|CRC Insights, Family and Youth Education, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work|

“Why then should they seek work overseas? The quick answer is that there is a surge in unemployment as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the months of lockdown - and leaving the country may be the only hope they have for landing a job.” ... continue reading

How Tourism Can Help Boost the Philippines’ Economy

By |September 19th, 2022|CRC Insights, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Transportation and Logistics|

“Transitioning to the Next Administration”, published on May 17, 2022 in his column “Business and Society” in the Manila Bulletin, CRC Director for Research Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas shares pointers on the best course to further strengthen the country’s tourism which will greatly contribute to the Philippines’ GDP growth. ... continue reading

Why Now Is the Opportune Time to Invest in the Philippine Market

By |August 22nd, 2022|CRC Insights, Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Transportation and Logistics|

“…It is wise to consider the strong fundamentals of the Philippine economy (demographic dividend, strategic geographical location in the most dynamic economic region in the world today—the Indo-Pacific region—and vast natural resources, among others) as the main reasons for investing in the Philippines...” Over the ... continue reading

The Most Vital Sector to Invest in the Philippines Post-pandemic

By |August 4th, 2022|CRC Insights, Digital Sector, Infrastructure and Industry, Transportation and Logistics|

“Where will the next Government obtain the long-term capital needed to continue improving Philippine infrastructures by making sure we are investing 5 to 6 % of our GDP in this vital sector? The answer is a no brainer: Foreign Direct Investments.” … The amendment of ... continue reading