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An Emerging Super-Sector: How Information Technology and Telecommunications are Key to the Future of Filipino Creatives

By |July 16th, 2021|CRC Events, Digital Sector, Economic Fora, News, Series of Economic Fora, Social Economics|

CRC in the Digital Sector -- When eminent Filipino economist Bernardo M. Villegas talks about the future of the Philippine economy, he often points out that Filipino talent, particularly the talent in the Media and Entertainment Sector, are among the Philippines’ greatest assets. But drumming up business for the country’s creatives requires long term investments ... continue reading

Will the Philippines’ digital economy benefit from reforms encouraging Foreign Direct Investments?

By |July 1st, 2021|CRC Events, CRC Publications, Digital Sector, Economic Fora, Series of Economic Fora, Social Economics, Trends|

The Digital Economy -- What would happen to the Philippine’s digital sector if the Philippine constitution could be amended to encourage more Foreign Direct Investments?  Analytics, data science, e-commerce, and online services  may be some of the key growth industries that could fuel the Philippines’ post-pandemic economy, but they are all ultimately dependent on the ... continue reading