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CRC and OSAPIEA forge partnership to strengthen economic policy and investment insights

By |August 24th, 2024|Digital Sector, Energy Industry, News|

In picture (1st row from R-L): Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas, Dr. Winston Conrad B. Padojinog, Sec. Frederick D. Go, Dir. Leslie Vanessa Lim, & Atty. Joy Diaz-Teston. (2nd row from R-L): Mr. Cesar Averia, Jr., Mr. Paul Joseph Garcia, Dr. Robin Michael Garcia, Mr. Gerogio Mabbagu, & Mr. Bruce Borres. [UA&P, Pasig City, ... continue reading

CRC-UA&P Successfully Conducts First Onsite Run of DPO Foundational Course

By |March 15th, 2024|CRC Events, Digital Sector, Expertise, News, Trainings and Workshops|

Closing Ceremony. L-R: Clarisse Buday, CRC Senior Operations Officer; Atty. Maria Theresa de Mesa, Junior Partner of Belo Gozon Elma Parel Asuncion & Lucila Law Offices; John Kenneth Miranda, Operations Supervisor of First Industrial Finance Co., Inc.; Rheijohn Makahiya, IT Officer of Engtek Precision Philippines, Inc.; Atty. Reinier Jeffrey Abdon, Senior Officer-DPA Compliance of ... continue reading

CRCFI Research Fund selected research proposals for AY 2023-2024

By |July 19th, 2023|Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Expertise, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Social Economics, Transportation and Logistics|

The Center for Research and Communication Foundation, Inc. (CRCFI) is pleased to announce the research proposals that were chosen by the Selection Committee for the AY 2023-2024 run of the Research Fund: 1. "Pilot Testing the Institutionalization of Service Contracting Towards the Establishment of A Public Transit Authority in LGUs as a Viable Catalyst for ... continue reading

What Investors Can Expect from the Philippines Post-Pandemic

By |April 4th, 2023|Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Expertise, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Social Economics, Transportation and Logistics|

The Covid-19 pandemic has caught the world by surprise – both first world countries and third world countries alike. Despite this, nations around the globe are sure to bounce back from this challenge as we try to navigate the situation in what we call as the “new normal.” Looking on the bright side, this trying ... continue reading

The Importance of Institution Building

By |March 16th, 2023|CRC Insights, Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Social Economics, Transportation and Logistics|

The Founder of ICD and ISA, Dr. Jess Estanislao… outlined a very comprehensive approach to improving governance at all levels of Philippine society. He highlights the critical importance of institution building, the key to long-term sustainable and equitable development. The missing link has been the sustained institutional strengthening and transformation program on the ... continue reading

How the Philippines Can Become a First World Country, According to Renowned Economist, Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas

By |January 31st, 2023|CRC Insights, Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Social Economics, Transportation and Logistics|

“The title of this book is unapologetically ambitious. Yes, I am strongly convinced that those who are in their 20s and early 30s today (the so- called ‘millennials’ and ‘centennials’) will live to see the Philippines become a First World country.” … The decade spanning ... continue reading

CALABARZON, Central Luzon, CAR, and SOCCKSARGEN – The New Metropolises in the Philippines for FDIs to Invest in, says eminent economist

By |January 20th, 2023|Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Expertise, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Transportation and Logistics|

Metro Manila has long faced issues of decongestion. With businesses opening left and right to buildings rising one after another, those seeking for better jobs continue to flock to Manila resulting in overcrowding and traffic congestion. Data shows that through the government’s various efforts, numerous areas are now looking to become the new metropolises and ... continue reading

It Is Possible for the Philippines to Reach First World Status Filipino Economist, Dr. Bernardo Villegas Explains How

By |November 10th, 2022|Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Expertise, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Social Economics, Transportation and Logistics|

For many Filipinos, imagining the Philippines as a first world country may be a far-fetched dream; but is it? In his newest book, entitled, “The Philippine Economy Towards First World Status,” Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas provides a lengthy discussion on why the country is geared towards becoming a first world country between the years 2040 ... continue reading

The Philippines’ Agricultural Landscape Will Continue to Flourish and Here’s Why

By |October 17th, 2022|CRC Insights, Digital Sector, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness|

“… The highest priority of the Government should be given to two areas of concern: [the second] how to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector… Top officials of the Department of Agriculture outlined the key pillars of the ongoing programs to improve agricultural productivity that they wish would be adopted by the next ... continue reading

CRC – the Premiere Consultancy Group on Public Service Law – Demonstrates the Value of IT and Telecommunications to FDIs

By |September 20th, 2022|Digital Sector, Expertise, Infrastructure and Industry|

One of the key topics of the Center for Research and Communication’s (CRC) Series of Economic Fora included the “Arts, Entertainment, and Advertising to Steer Philippine Economy.” Done in collaboration with the Philippine Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines Office, Censei, the DAP Graduate School of Public and Development Management, PSPA ... continue reading