Home » Philippine Tourism

Discover the Value of FDIs to the Philippines’ Agriculture and Find Out How CRC – the Premiere Consultancy Group on Public Service Law – Can Help

By |January 4th, 2023|Expertise, Food and Agribusiness|

With the Philippines being a highly agricultural country, it’s safe to say that the agriculture sector is one that the country must develop and help continue to flourish. According to statista.com, “the contribution of the agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector industry to the GDP of the Philippines was at 9.6 percent in 2021.” In addition, ... continue reading

How Tourism Can Help Boost the Philippines’ Economy

By |September 19th, 2022|CRC Insights, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Transportation and Logistics|

“Transitioning to the Next Administration”, published on May 17, 2022 in his column “Business and Society” in the Manila Bulletin, CRC Director for Research Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas shares pointers on the best course to further strengthen the country’s tourism which will greatly contribute to the Philippines’ GDP growth. ... continue reading