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UA&P hosts Philippines Beyond 2016: Economic Briefing for Diplomats

By |December 23rd, 2015|CRC Events, Economic Briefings, News, Research Findings, Social Economics, Trends, University News|

This post was last edited on  2015-12-23 14:05:05 CRC Director for Research Dr. Bernardo Villegas gave members of the diplomatic corps a preview of the possible economic scenario in the next administration at the “Philippines Beyond 2016: Economic Briefing for Diplomats” held on October 2, 2015 at the University of Asia and the Pacific. Presenting ... continue reading

Round Table Discussion on Agribusiness and Inclusive Growth

By |December 22nd, 2015|CRC Events, Food and Agribusiness, News, Research Findings, Round Table Discussions, Social Economics, University News|

This article was last edited at   2015-12-22 09:34:51 The Center for Research and Communication organized a Round Table Discussion on Agribusiness and Inclusive Growth on September 15, 2015 in UA&P, as part of the activities of the Leo Parma/Asiapro Professorial Chair for Social Entrepreneurship. The various agribusiness entrepreneurs and social enterprise practitioners in attendance exchanged ... continue reading

20th University Day Lecture, Integral Ecology = Environmental Ecology + Divine Ecology

By |December 22nd, 2015|CRC Events, News, University Day Lecture, University News|

This post was last edited on  2015-12-22 09:08:18 UA&P held its 20th University Day Lecture on August 14, 2015 at the Li Seng Giap Auditorium. This year’s speaker, Associate Professor Dr. Theta C. Ponce of the School of Sciences and Engineering, gave a presentation entitled, “Integral Ecology = Environmental Ecology + Divine Ecology.” She reiterated ... continue reading

Dr. Veronica Ramirez Presents Migration Research in Mexico

By |December 22nd, 2015|CRC Events, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, News, Research Findings|

Dr. Veronica Ramirez, CRC Director for Operations, presented two research papers on migration entitled, “Maximizing Remittances to the Philippines towards Integral Human Development” and “Foreign Students in Philippine Education: Trends and Challenges.” This was at the 2015 International Metropolis Conference in Mexico City on Sept. 8 and 9, 2015, organized by Metropolis Professional Development (MPD) ... continue reading

Latest Book Edition by Dr. Bernardo Villegas Launched

By |December 22nd, 2015|Book Launches, CRC Events, CRC Publications, News, Research Findings, Social Economics, University News|

This article was last edited on  2015-12-22 09:00:23 The Center for Research and Communication launched the latest edition of The Book of Virtues and Values by Dr. Bernardo Villegas, on August 14, 2015 at UA&P. Like the previous edition, the book emphasizes that good values can only come from the hard and persevering work of individuals who ... continue reading

A Road Map for a Renewable Energy Agenda for the Next Administration: An RTD on Renewable Energy

By |October 26th, 2015|CRC Events, Energy Industry, Expertise, News, Professorial Chairs, Research Findings, Round Table Discussions, Social Economics, Trends|

This article was last edited on 2015-10-26 10:33:47 The Center for Research and Communication and the UA&P School of Economics organized “A Road Map for a Renewable Energy Agenda for the Next Administration: An RTD on Renewable Energy” on July 29, 2015 at UA&P’s Telengtan Hall. The round table discussion, facilitated by Dr. Peter Lee ... continue reading

The Sumitomo Foundation Research Orientation

By |October 26th, 2015|CRC Events, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, News, Partnership Events, Partnerships, University News|

Mr. Akinori Matsunaga, Program Officer of the Sumitomo Foundation, was invited by the Center for Research and Communication to UA&P on July 3, 2015. Mr. Matsunaga encouraged researchers to submit research proposals on Japan-related topics in the social sciences and humanities. Participants included faculty and staff from the UA&P School of Law and Governance, School ... continue reading

Round Table Discussion on Cooperatives in Agriculture

By |September 23rd, 2015|CRC Events, News, Research Findings, Round Table Discussions, Social Economics, Trends, University News|

This post was last edited on 2015-09-23 08:26:15 Round Table Discussion on Cooperatives in Agriculture [ Photo: crcarch201509230826a] The Center for Research and Communication conducted a Round Table Discussion on Agricultural Cooperatives on June 23, 2015 in the University of Asia and the Pacific, as part of the activities under the Leo Parma Professorial Chair ... continue reading

Upcoming Publication: History of Football in the Philippines

By |July 24th, 2015|Book Launches, CRC Events, CRC Publications, News, University News|

This post was last edited on 2015-07-24 08:43:20 CRC is currently working on a new book, History of Football in the Philippines by Bernardo M. Villegas, Ph.D., editor Bert A. Ramirez, and contributors Ignacio Dee, Manolo Pedralvez, Bill Velasco, Rick Olivares, and Stella Marie Urbiztondo. History of Football will cover the beginnings, rise, decline, and revival of ... continue reading

Exploring Research Priorities on Overseas Filipinos’ Life and Work in the Middle East

By |May 13th, 2015|CRC Events, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, News, Research Findings, Round Table Discussions, Trends, University News|

The Middle East continues to be a leading destination for OFWs, with land-based OFWs reaching 2,473,668 in 2010, and the establishment of 46 Philippine Schools in the region (Ramirez, 2015). Despite their growing number and increasing remittances, minimal research studies have been conducted on the life and work of Filipinos in the Middle East; their ... continue reading