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The Center for Research and Communication Foundation, Inc., an accredited Institutional Privacy Trainer of the National Privacy Commission will hold the 2nd run of the Data Protection Officer Foundational and Certification Course on February 10, 17, 18, 24 and March 3, 2022 via Zoom. Participants can earn both a CRC and NPC DPO certificate if they both pass the CRC certification exam and the NPC DPO ACE Level 1 exam. To reserve a slot, kindly register in this link.

The Data Protection Officer Foundational and Certification Course is being positioned as a comprehensive industry-standard course for those appointed as Data Protection Officers (DPOs) of their respective organizations. The content is based on RA 10173 (Data Privacy Act of the Philippines), GDPR (Global Data Protection Regulation of EU) and other best practices of Information Security Officers (ISOs).

This online training and workshop will be delivered by Atty. Ivy D. Patdu, a physician, a lawyer, and a privacy practitioner.  Atty. Patdu has built her professional career by bridging the disciplines of medicine and law, specializing primarily in Health Law and Privacy.  She is a consultant for privacy and other legal issues for both government and private sector, including her previous engagement as member of the National Health Data Privacy Experts Group of the National eHealth Program. She served as Deputy Commissioner of the National Privacy Commission, providing her expertise in the development of the Implementing Rules of the Data Privacy Act and leading the DPO ACE Training Program. She has been a member of the academe since 2011, teaching in the Ateneo de Manila School of Law, San Beda College of Law, Alabang and UP College of Medicine.

Course Description
The DPO Foundational Course is a 5-day interactive – instructor led training with course study material by subject matter experts. It adheres to international standards such as ISOs and is a first step to becoming a full-pledged Data Privacy Officer. A certification examination will be administered by the Center for Research and Communication on the 5th day of the training from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. The DPO ACE Level 1 Exam will be scheduled and administered by the National Privacy Commission. NPC will notify the qualified participants endorsed by CRC on the schedule of the exam.

Objectives and Outcomes
The training program aims to equip the participants on the different areas of Data Privacy such as : (a)
History of Privacy and Change in Business Model using data (b) National Privacy Commission’s 5
Pillar on Data Privacy (c) ISO 27001 / ISO 27701 and other best practices including Privacy by Design
(d) International laws that affect the Philippines, e.g. GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA etc.

There is an examination component on these training which will gauge the competencies of the
participants against the DPO Body of Knowledge which based on GDPR / RA 10173 with the following
particular areas:

1. Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173) and its Implementing Rules and Regulation
2. The WHAT, WHY and HOW of Data Protection and implementing data security in the
3. Duties, roles, responsibilities and accountability of a Data Privacy / Protection Officer
4. Accountability and Responsibilities of the Enterprise in protecting its assets (specific to data in
relation to personal data of its stakeholders)

Course Outline:

This workshop is recommended to any individual who aspires to be a Data Protection Officer, to have a career in data privacy, or to have a basic awareness and knowledge on data privacy especially those who use, process, and maintain personal data.

To reserve a slot, kindly follow the following steps:

1. Fill out the online registration form.
2. Wait for an email notification from CRC.
3. Provide the required information for the billing request and wait for the invoice.
4. Pay at least 50% of the course fee thru cash or bank transfer and email deposit slip or
proof of payment to CRC.
5. Wait for an email confirmation from CRC and the official receipt of your payment.


The Center for Research and Communication Foundation, Inc. (CRC) is an accredited Institutional Privacy Trainer of the National Privacy Commission (NPC) with accreditation number TP-IPT 2021-007. CRC also conducts in-house training for the DPO Certification Course. For inquiries, email: [email protected].