The journey common to OFW deployees and returnees

By |July 13th, 2022|Expertise, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, News, Professorial Chairs|

This COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the lives of those desiring to work overseas, as well as those coming home. For those applying for overseas work, the good news is that some Asian countries, such as Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore are ready to resume employment of migrant workers. This comes at a time when ... continue reading

CRC Offers a Complete Consultancy Package for Foreign Direct Investors in the Philippines

By |July 11th, 2022|Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Expertise, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, News, Social Economics, Transportation and Logistics|

If you’re an investor looking to venture in foreign markets, it’s important to make sure that you are well-equipped with all the right information and plans before making that huge leap. There are many ways in which foreign direct investment or FDIs can undertake a business within the Philippines. Some may wish to directly obtain ... continue reading

EGARCH Regression: Highlighting the impact of remittances on the Philippine macroeconomy and households during COVID-19

By |June 20th, 2022|Expertise, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, News, Social Economics|

Remittances are funds transferred by migrants to their home country or private savings of overseas foreign workers (OFWs) spent within their home country. Many developing nations, including the Philippines rely on remittances as a source of funds that form part of the country’s overall domestic production or Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Generally, OFWs send more ... continue reading

CRC Opens Opportunities for Your Business and Clients – Learn More About Its Partnership Development Consultancy Service

By |June 15th, 2022|Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Expertise, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, News, Social Economics, Transportation and Logistics|

Without question, one of the most vital aspects of a thriving and successful business is establishing long-lasting relationships. However, as with any relationships, taking that first step can be a pretty daunting and tedious task. The Center for Research and Communication (CRC) fully understands this, and this is why one of the key services that ... continue reading

CRC: Your Research and Consultancy Link to Philippine Business Opportunities

By |March 11th, 2022|Digital Sector, Energy Industry, Expertise, Family and Youth Education, Food and Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, News, Transportation and Logistics|

The Center for Research and Communication is your research and consultancy link to Philippine business opportunities. The pandemic has taught us that we need to build partnerships in order to develop our business climate. Now more than ever, it is crucial to let your business be linked with various industries in the Philippines. We have ... continue reading

What Drives Workers to Go Abroad?

By |February 22nd, 2022|CRC Insights, CRC Publications, Expertise, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work|

“What drives workers to go abroad is not absolute poverty or unemployment. The majority of the workers who go abroad have skills that are remunerated at levels three to ten times (even more in the case of seafarers) what they can earn here. In fact, the ones who become OFWs are not those ... continue reading

The importance of the Philippines’ young and growing population in fuelling the country’s economic recovery according to Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas

By |November 8th, 2021|CRC Insights, Family and Youth Education, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work|

“Celebrating youth in the Philippines”, published on May 11, 2021 in his column “Business and Society” in the Manila Bulletin, CRC Director for Research Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas highlights the importance of the Philippines’ young and growing population in fueling the country’s economic recovery once the pandemic has hopefully been put under reasonable control. ... continue reading

Dr. Bernardo Villegas, on the need for equal access to affordable technical and vocational education

By |October 22nd, 2021|CRC Insights, Family and Youth Education, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work|

“What should be given a high priority is the goal of giving equal access to affordable technical and vocational education.” “This is the biggest gap in our pool of human resources. It is paradoxical that, despite our having a young and growing population, certain technical ... continue reading

“A significant number of women OFWs in Asia eschew health treatments when they are ill” – Ramirez Study of Women OFWs’ common health problems

By |October 19th, 2021|CRC Insights, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work|

A significant number of participants in Asia do not easily undergo any health treatment when they are ill and majority of them resort to self-medication using medicine, such as Panadol, Losartan, Valsartan, Melbanin, Tylenol, Lisinopril, Zocor, Motrin and vitamins that are easy to access through friends. Some would call home so that their ... continue reading

VIDEO — CRC co-organizes forum on opening up the Philippine economy and its possible impacts on jobs and the labor sector

By |May 31st, 2021|CRC Events, Economic Fora, Infrastructure and Industry, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work, Series of Economic Fora, Trends, Webinars|

Ortigas, Pasig -- The Philippines' labor force has always been a vital driver of the country's economic successes. In the middle of the pandemic, how can the Philippines keep this sector on track? This was the topic last May 28, 2021 on Session 2 of the Economic Fora, entitled "Opening the Economy for Recovery: Impact ... continue reading