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Education and agriculture essential for Ph to maximize its economic “double sweet spots” — Villegas

By |July 12th, 2019|CRC Communications, Food and Agribusiness, Research Findings, Social Economics, Trends, University News|

This article was originally posted on 2019-07-12 19:28:14 “The Philippine economy has two ‘sweet spots’ going for it in the next twenty years at least,” says eminent economist Bernardo M. Villegas in a paper released during the recent Midyear Business Economics Briefing at the University of Asia and the Pacific. The first is the country’s ... continue reading

UA&P Faculty Commend Large Young Workforce, Emphasize Training in Forum on Population and Family

By |February 24th, 2016|CRC Events, Family and Youth Education, Research Findings, Trends, University News|

Praise for the Philippines’ large and young population, as well as emphasis on the need for training, were among the key points of a forum on “Population and Family: Positive Resources of Society,” organized by the Center for Research and Communication on February 3, 2016 at the UA&P Dizon Auditorium. The forum brought together educators, ... continue reading