Home » Dr. Antonio Torralba

A Round Table Discussion on the Influence of Sports on the Cultivation of Virtue

By |August 12th, 2014|CRC Events, Family and Youth Education, Round Table Discussions|

CRC held a round table discussion on the theme, The Influence of Sports on the Cultivation of Virtue: Towards the Continuing Personal Formation of Street Children through Street Football at the University of Asia and the Pacific on August 6, 2014. The objective of the RTD is to highlight research on the personal formation of ... continue reading

National Conference on Revisiting Ideals of Family and Society

By |December 2nd, 2012|CRC Events, Family and Youth Education, News, Research Findings, Trends, University News|

The Center for Research and Communication held the National Conference on Revisiting Ideals of Family and Society on November 11 to 14, 2012 at the Ecotech Conference Center in Cebu City. The three-day event, an offshoot of the erstwhile UA&P degree program Master of Arts in Values Education or MAVE, is where alumni, students and ... continue reading