The Research and Communication Partner of University of Asia and the Pacific 

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CRC Research Director and Founder, Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas is one of the Philippines’ most eminent economists

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Enterprise Information Security Foundational Course

Enterprise Information Security Foundational Course

November 8 @ 9:00 am - November 23 @ 5:00 pm

CRC Highlight

How Plantitos, Plantitas Can Help Save Philippine Agriculture

February 18th, 2023|

Who knew that aside from the new normal, the pandemic would also give rise to numerous new trends and even hobbies? Take home gardening, for example. With everyone being cooped up inside their respective homes, Filipinos turned to something that would make their stay worthwhile, and voila! Caring for plants has become a trend. The word “Plantito” or “Plantita” is actually a portmanteau of plants and tito or tita (uncle or aunt respectively) which pertains to ... continue reading

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