The future is ours to build, with young people at the forefront.
On February 20, 2021, the Center for Research and Communication’s Professorial Chair for Social Economics held “Together Towards Tomorrow“, a live launch event for a continuing series of video features on young people’s leadership in the future of key Philippine Economic Sectors.
The launch event featured talks from two eminent minds in their respective fields. In the field of Economic Development, Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas presented a talk entitled “Together Towards Tomorrow: A Vision Towards Young People’s Engagement in Philippine Economic Growth“, while in the field of youth development, Dr. Hilda San Gabriel spoke about “The Role of Youth Education in the Development of the Social Solidarity Economy.”
The event (CRC’s video for which is at the end of this article) will lead up to a series of discussions about the future of key Philippine industries, either featuring young people who are leading the way in their respective fields, or asking CRC’s more-experienced experts about ways young people can be more involved in the shaping of those fields. These will be featured in CRC’s social media accounts, on Facebook at; or on LinkedIN, at • | RE de LEon | CRC ||
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