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Dr. Bernardo Villegas, on the need for equal access to affordable technical and vocational education

By |October 22nd, 2021|CRC Insights, Family and Youth Education, Migration and Overseas Filipino Work|

“What should be given a high priority is the goal of giving equal access to affordable technical and vocational education.” “This is the biggest gap in our pool of human resources. It is paradoxical that, despite our having a young and growing population, certain technical ... continue reading

Dr. Bernardo Villegas on the empirical impact of young people on the Future of the Philippine Economy

By |October 19th, 2021|CRC Insights, Family and Youth Education|

“When we say that the youth is the future of a country, for the Philippines, it is more than just a moderate statement. It is reality. Because, just to remind you of statistics, those [who] are below 25 constitute 50% of our population, and those of you who are below 30 constitute 65% ... continue reading