Home » Social Entrepreneurship

Tony Meloto: On the Challenges of Social Entrepreneurship

By |October 22nd, 2021|CRC Insights, CRC Publications, Social Economics|

The challenge for social entrepreneurs in most third-world countries is two-fold. First, there is the question of how to help grow the local economy and protect the environment by raising a new generation of wealth creators at home, rather than just jobseekers abroad.  And social entrepreneurship is the place where charity, sustainability, entrepreneurship, ... continue reading

Social Entrepreneurship (SE)

By |October 22nd, 2013|CRC Communications, Expertise, News, Social Economics, University News|

This post was recovered from an article posted on   2013-10-22 07:12:38 [ Photo: crcarch201310220712a] Economics and business, without losing their predominant focus on getting the maximum material benefits from the utilization of the relatively scarce resources of society, nevertheless can always be instruments for attaining societal goals—goals such as the alleviation of poverty, the greening ... continue reading

The Leo Parma–Asiapro Professorial Chair for Social Entrepreneurship: Social Entrepreneurship towards Local Economy and Rural Development Conference

By |January 12th, 2013|Conferences, CRC Events, News, Social Economics, Trends, University News|

This post was recovered from an article posted on  2013-01-12 06:58:07 [ Photo: crcarch201301120658a] “This conference will make history in the Philippine economy,” commented Dr. Bernardo Villegas in his talk at the Social Entrepreneurship towards Local Economy and Rural Development Conference, organized by the School of Economics and the Center for Research and Communication on ... continue reading