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Setting the Roadmap for the Football Industry – The First of a Series of Round Table Discussions on Football

By |April 24th, 2013|CRC Events, Round Table Discussions|

This post was recovered from an article posted on  2013-04-24 03:31:59  Setting the Roadmap for the Football Industry – The First of a Series of Round Table Discussions on Football [ Photo: crcarch201304240331a] “Paraphrasing the slogan of FC Barcelona . . . ‘Mas de un club’ . . . football is more than a sport ... continue reading

 Research in the Business Process Outsourcing Industry – The First of a Series of Round Table Discussions on BPO

By |April 17th, 2013|CRC Events, Digital Sector, News, Round Table Discussions, Social Economics, University News|

This post was recovered from an article posted on 2013-04-17 02:36:17 [ Photo: crcarch201304170236a] The Center for Research and Communication (CRC) of the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) organized the Round Table Discussion on Research in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry last April 5 at UA&P. Sponsored by Expert Global Solutions (EGS), ... continue reading

Announcement: Research in the Business Process Outsourcing Industry

By |March 19th, 2013|CRC Events, News, Research Findings, Round Table Discussions, University News|

This post was recovered from an article posted on 2013-03-19 02:18:02 The Center for Research and Communication (CRC) will hold the first of a series of Round Table Discussions on BPO with the theme Research in the Business Process Outsourcing Industry on April 5, 2013 (Friday) from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Telengtan ... continue reading

Announcement: Policy Conference on the Issues, Challenges and Initiatives

By |February 12th, 2013|Conferences, CRC Events, News, Social Economics, Trends, University News|

This post was recovered from an article posted on  2013-02-12 02:17:10 The Center for Research and Communication, in cooperation with the School of Economics of the University of Asia and the Pacific, will hold a Policy Conference on the Issues, Challenges and Initiatives facing the Education, Health and Water Sectors. The conference will take place on February 26 at ... continue reading

CRC Meeting with Ramon “Jun” Magsaysay Jr.

By |February 12th, 2013|CRC Events, News, Social Economics, University News|

This post was recovered from an article first posted on 2013-02-12 01:41:48 [ Photo: crcarch201302120141a] The Center for Research and Communication and representatives from cooperatives, OFWs, investors, agribusiness, and development organizations met with senatorial candidate Ramon “Jun” Magsaysay Jr. on January 29, 2013 in the University of Asia and the Pacific. Jun Magsaysay served as ... continue reading

The Leo Parma–Asiapro Professorial Chair for Social Entrepreneurship: Social Entrepreneurship towards Local Economy and Rural Development Conference

By |January 12th, 2013|Conferences, CRC Events, News, Social Economics, Trends, University News|

This post was recovered from an article posted on  2013-01-12 06:58:07 [ Photo: crcarch201301120658a] “This conference will make history in the Philippine economy,” commented Dr. Bernardo Villegas in his talk at the Social Entrepreneurship towards Local Economy and Rural Development Conference, organized by the School of Economics and the Center for Research and Communication on ... continue reading

Round Table Discussion on Consumer Marketing

By |January 12th, 2013|CRC Events, News, Research Findings, Round Table Discussions, Trends, University News|

This post was recovered from an article first posted on 2013-01-12 06:08:33 “In the third quarter, GDP growth was 7.1 percent . . . the fourth quarter will be about 8 percent.” Center for Research and Communication (CRC) Director and Leo Parma Professorial Chair holder Dr. Bernardo Villegas declared this in CRC’s round table discussion ... continue reading

The 5th Round Table Discussion on Structural Reform

By |December 15th, 2012|CRC Events, News, Research Findings, Round Table Discussions, Social Economics, Trends, University News|

This post was recovered from an article first posted on 2012-12-15 01:52:23 [photo: crcarch201212150152a] For its 5th Round Table Discussion on Structural Reform, the Center for Research and Communication explored the theme of regional decentralization. Held on December 3, 2012 at the Telengtan Hall, University of Asia and the Pacific, the RTD was participated in ... continue reading

Sustainable Development Youth Congress 2012

By |December 5th, 2012|CRC Events, Energy Industry, Research Findings, Trends, University News|

This post was recovered from an article first posted on  2012-12-05 09:44:45 Change. Solutions. Development. These were the keywords exchanged among almost 300 high school and college students who convened for the second run of the Sustainable Development in Action Youth Congress at UA&P last November 24. Engaging the youth in a campaign for sustainable ... continue reading