Home » CRC to Co-Organize Forum on the “Harnessing Foreign Direct Investments for Philippine Infrastructure”
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With the “Build, Build, Build Program” often touted as the “centerpiece” economic program of the Duterte administration, infrastructure development in the Philippines has been in the limelight for quite a few years now, and with the economic difficulties arising from the ongoing pandemic crisis, both economists and ordinary citizens are eager to discover whether the multiplier effect of completed infrastructure projects will bring about a faster recovery.  But infrastructure development is a field where the Philippines can’t afford to slow down.  And with an ever-growing need for funds, the question must be asked: can Foreign Direct Investments help fill in the gap, and allow for the continued putting up of new Philippine infrastructure?

Join us on Friday, October 1, 2021 at 9:00AM-12:00PM to find out, in Session 10 of the Series of Economic Fora on Foreign Direct Investments and the Economic Amendments on the 1987 Constitution — this time, focusing on “Harnessing Foreign Direct Investments for Philippine Infrastructure.”

Register now at https://bit.ly/2WIqbTh or by scanning the QR code in the attached image to attend the event, which is led by DILG Philippines and co-organized by the Center for Research and Communication, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines Office, Censei, the DAP Graduate School of Public and Development Management, PSPA (Philippine Society for Public Administration), and Blueprint.PH. • |Staff Writer | CRC ||


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