Now more than ever, audiences put premium on companies that not only provide useful and innovative products but also those who leave a positive influence on the society. Simply providing the customers’ needs is no longer enough to drive loyalty. With more informed and pro-active consumers, a brand’s social contribution also helps them gain faithful patrons. Therefore, assessing your enterprise’s effect to the community is essential in helping you build a strong following.

Although consumers look at a company’s offerings first, having good objectives and products are not enough. It is equally important to study the implications of these services. This will help you understand how your company can further contribute to the betterment of society. To be able to do this, companies are now seeing the need for a Project Impact Evaluation of their practices and are including this as part of their analysis and evaluation strategies.

At the Center for Research and Communication (CRC), we, as a leading research and consultancy firm in the Philippines, not only aspire to help business grow in terms of revenue, but also aim to ensure that you are able to leave a positive mark in your respective communities through its unrivaled research and consultancy services. With our Project Impact Evaluation consultancy service offering, we can help you measure your project’s technical, economic, and social impact – whether to determine new directions for an ongoing project, to document a concluded project’s successes, to comply with administrative requirements, or to craft a promotional narrative for the client based on a successful project undertaking.

With CRC’s support, you will be able to evaluate the long-term effects of your projects here in the Philippines, across industries of all kinds. CRC’s market research expertise includes the Digital sector where it has participated in analytics, data privacy as well as semiconductors and electronics. Most recently, CRC has held 4 successful runs of its Data Protection Officer Foundational and Certification Course. In the Energy sector, CRC has assisted corporations in taking a closer look at Petroleum Products, Renewable Energy, Liquified Natural Gas and Aviation Fuel. For the Transportation and Logistics sector, CRC has done work in expressways, nautical transportation, the construction of logistics facilities, and the transportation needs of agricultural products. When it comes to the Food and Agribusiness industry, CRC has assisted its clients particularly food product distributors, industry associations, & government agencies, to analyze regional supply value chains, improve the quality of business data, assess the impact of proposed new industry taxes, and evaluate losses from threats such as smuggled products. Last but not the least, CRC has also expanded its experience to the Infrastructure and Industry sector in housing, mining, construction retail, commercial and residential real estate, expressway operation, and industrial parks administration.

We can assure you that through a partnership with CRC, your project’s project impact evaluation will facilitate a better understanding of your best practices and become the pillar for your project to further develop your strengths. Collaborate with us today! Contact +639054280727 or [email protected].


The Center for Research Communication (CRC) is the research and consultancy link to Philippine business opportunities, uniquely poised to help you with business feasibility evaluation, demand and supply analysis, partnership development, project impact evaluation, value chain analysis, customized solutions for design thinking, data analytics and insights generation, and development of business strategies, and consultancy services for investors in Philippine market.

To find out more about CRC, send an email to [email protected], or follow us on LinkedIn. You can also find us on Facebook.